This is how Sacramento Works.
Michele was a stay-at-home mother with two adult children when her husband passed away in 2017. “I hadn’t really been out in the workforce before, so his death left me more scared than I’ve ever been in my life,” says Michele. “I didn’t know how to earn money, I didn’t know how to manage the bills. But the thing that my husband taught me is that you just have to just pick yourself up and get going.”
When her disability income ran out, Michele turned to Sacramento Works for help.
“I felt nervous because I didn’t have any computer skills, but right away they asked me if I needed any help. At first, I thought I could do it on my own, but I realized there was so much they could teach me. My caseworker sat with me for hours and made sure that my resume was completely perfect. She got to know me and saw my willingness to work hard. It felt good.” From there, she started applying for jobs.
Michele was interested in doing warehouse work. “I wanted something to keep me active. I’m not the kind of person to sit in a chair all day.” She applied for a position with Amazon and was hired. “I love my job there. I walk into work at 5:30 every morning with my head held high and it’s the best feeling in the world. I feel very empowered.”
Michele credits her Sacramento Works caseworker for helping her achieve financial independence.
“She let me know I could do anything I wanted as long as I put my heart into it. She gave me confidence that I didn’t have when I first walked in the door and it felt so good. I felt seen by her. I realized I am a person, I’m not just a mom or a wife. I am Michele.”
Today, Michele wants other jobseekers to know that they, too, can find a job that brings them both confidence and security. “I’ve recommended Sacramento Works to so many people already. I know they can help others the way they helped me. You have to keep your head high and stay positive,” she explains. “The times when I felt like I couldn’t do it, they kept telling me, ‘Yes, you can.’ And they were right.” ●

“I’ve recommended Sacramento Works to so many people already. I know they can help others they way they helped me.”
Former stay-at-home mom who found employment with assistance from Sacramento Works
SETA supports the Sacramento Works program in order to provide resources to both Sacramento employers and job seekers alike.
Established in 2000, Sacramento Works is a full-service career resource center freely available to all Sacramento area residents, with multiple locations and a breadth of online resources and in-person staff.
SETA is commited to providing local resources which uplift our community. The opportunities created through Sacramento Works by connecting employers with quality candidates strengthens our economic capabilities as Sacramentans.
Related Workforce Initiatives Funded by SETA
Helping those that don’t already have skills in the construction industry get trained and ready to hire.
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Provides individuals and organizations with one central location to find current, detailed information about which jobs are in high demand in the Sacramento Region, how much they pay, what type of education or training is recommended, and where you can go to get it.
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Hospitality to Health
Connecting jobseekers with hospitality jobs at Senior Living communities and Skilled Nursing Facilities.
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Paid work experience for students. with internships for up to 167 hours of work, and students with intellectual, physical, developmental, or mental disabilities can receive 40 hours of training to prepare.
The Talent program works with businesses to create effective employee recruitment and retention plans, help employees enhance their technical and interpersonal skills, and provides the tools needed for success.
Veterans Employment-Related Assistance Program
SETA collaborates with a network of employers and educational partners to develop career pathways designed to help veterans prepare for jobs in the manufacturing or healthcare industry.
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You Are Ready
Resources and support designed specifically to help those who have been without a job for 6 months or more.