The Sacramento Works, Inc. Board is a 27-member volunteer board of directors that is charged with providing policy, planning and oversight for local workforce development initiatives. Sacramento Works unites business, labor, education and public agencies to assure qualified and trained workers are available to meet the needs of the region’s economy.
- Sacramento Strategic Workforce Development Plan Update 2017-2021
- Sacramento Strategic Workforce Development Plan 2017-2020
- Sacramento Works, Inc. Introductory Packet
Composition of the Sacramento Works, Inc. Board
The majority representation on this 27-member board is business and industry. Other sectors represented on the Sacramento Works, Inc. board include Labor/Workforce, Education/Training, Government and Economic/Community Development, and Other.
Business Sector
Representatives of the Business Sector, shall constitute a majority of the membership of the Board and are to be owners of business concerns, chief executives or chief operating officers of non-governmental employers, or other private sector executives who have substantial management or policy responsibility. Business Sector representatives shall be selected from nominations made by general-purpose business organizations.
Education/Training Sector
Education/Training representatives shall be selected from nominations made by local educational agencies, vocational education institutions, or institutions of higher education. General organizations of such agencies or institutions, institutions of higher education, or general organizations of such agencies or institutions can also nominate an education representative. Private and proprietary schools or general organizations of such schools, within the City and County of Sacramento are also eligible to have representation on the Sacramento Works, Inc. board. Individuals wishing to apply for membership need to contact one of these entities and request a letter of recommendation.
Labor/Workforce Sector
At least 20% Labor representatives are recommended by recognized State and local labor organizations or appropriate building trades councils.
Government and Economic Development/Community Development
Must include: (i) 1 representative of economic and community development entities; (ii) 1 representative of Wagner-Peyser programs; (iii) 1 representative of Vocational Rehabilitation programs; (iv) and may include representatives of agencies or entities administering programs serving the local area relating to transportation, housing, and public assistance; (v) and may include representatives of philanthropic organizations.
It may include such other individuals or representatives of entities as the chief elected official in the local area determines to be appropriate.
Letters of recommendation for individuals shall come from organizations that represent these sectors.
Application/Appointment Process
Those wishing to apply for membership on the Sacramento Works, Inc. board are asked to fill out an application form.
Workforce Development Board Application
Sacramento Works, Inc. Board Members
N. Lisa Clawson – Chair
Human Resources Leader
Kaiser Permanente
Jennifer Saetern
Human Services Division Manager
Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance
Lynn Hosokawa
Human Resources Manager
Villara Building Systems
Vivian Hernandez-Obaldia
Regional Director
State of California, Department of Rehabilitation
Karl Pineo
Business Manager/Financial Secretary
Ironworkers Local 118
Anita Maldonado – Secretary/Treasurer
Executive Director
Sacramento Employment & Training Agency
Shelly Valenton
Vice President of Integrated Services/Strategic Initiatives
Sacramento Regional Transit
Crystal Bethke
Director of Economic Development
County of Sacramento
Michael Jasso
Assistant City Manager
City of Sacramento
Victor McGee
Center Director
Sacramento Job Corps Center
Dr. Jamey Nye
Deputy Chancellor
Los Rios Community College District
Laurie Rodriguez
Director of People Services/Strategies
Randy Rojas
Business Representative District Council 16 of Northern CA and Nevada
Kim Gusman – Vice Chair
President California Employers Association
Jeff Richard
Deputy Division Chief Employment Development Department
Ronald Ellis
Managing Director/Owner
Dave Gordon
Sacramento County Office of Education
Frank A. Louie
Chief Operating Officer
Sacramento Asian Chamber of Commerce
Johnny Perez
Director of Client Services Clutch Contracts & Consulting
Fabrizio Sasso
Executive Director
Sacramento Central Labor Council
Ronnie Cobb
Director of Employee Relations
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