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Serving over 5,100 children daily.
Head Start program’s mission is to improve the lives of low-income children by providing comprehensive child development services that are family focused, including education, health, nutrition, and mental health.
Learn more about Head Start in Sacramento by visiting our website at
SETA is accepting Parent Intern applications. Go to for more information.
Head Start is a federally funded program for preschool children from low income families. In Sacramento County, the Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA) is the Head Start grantee, providing direction and support to the Head Start program.
The SETA Head Start Policy Council membership is composed of parent representatives from the SETA Head Start program and each of its delegate agencies: Twin Rivers U.S.D., Elk Grove U.S.D., Sacramento City U.S.D., San Juan U.S.D., and the Women’s Civic Improvement Club (Playmate). Membership is also inclusive of community representatives appointed by a community-based agency.